Monday, August 29, 2011

15 Minutes to Puzzle Complex Life Questions

I'm never early. Typically, I'm five minutes late. Not MORE than that--anything past 15 minutes is just rude, but I have conditioned myself to believe that I can do ONE MORE THING before I need to leave. It's not that I'm lazy--I'm actually task (yet not so much time) oriented. Thus, I grew up with my mother telling me that I would be late for my own funeral. This morning, however, I found myself with an excess of 15 minutes before I needed to be at work. Some of my type A friends would say that that means keep on trucking over and don't dilly dally. But I'm a Beta--we like to set our own agendas but don't mind overmuch if others take the lead. As long as they know what their doing, of course. But I digress. So, I had some time to spare and lo--serendipity! Barnes and Noble was across the road. What else is an addict to do? Now, how can you possibly have a grand time in 15 minutes or less in a bookshop? By hitting up the Humorous, Nonsensical and Odd section. I read a practical guide that I'm sure to need once I go to Scotland (Raising Unicorns: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Starting and Running a Sucessful-and magical!- Unicorn Farm), and an alternative to positivism: All My Friends are Dead. I next contemplated purchasing an Alex Beard Nautilus Impossible Jigsaw puzzle set but I hadn't any friends to give it to, which was disappointing. I don't know why I have the urge to buy things like that. Just like those polar bear bookends made of glazed marble: I gave all my books away once I bought a kindle! Oi!: The things one contemplates in 15 minutes. Anyway, I wasn't more than 5 minutes late to work. Honest.


  1. Hah! I was thinking that if I had 15 minutes before work, I would NEVER go into a bookstore or anywhere else for that matter. I am way too practical and I must be a work early all the time. I wish I could relax a little bit more like you, and just go with the flow.....but, after ?? years, it's just not going to happen. I always play it safe. You will always find the joy and make the most of your precious time. My hats off to you!

  2. Dear Beth,

    You're so wise! You'd think that I'd learn but I have an impediment to playing it safe. My delinquency DOES make life more interesting, however. And I hate boredom, mediocrity, etc. Rebel without a cause;)

  3. I love your spirit and playfulness; it's what makes You, little rebel.
